Take power with battery storage

Waste not want not

Storing energy for commercial use can help you capture excess power from solar systems and reserve power to mitigate peak demand charges. Summit Power Systems’ robust battery storage systems put you in control of your energy consumption.

Strategies for energy independence

Battery storage builds flexibility into your energy system by allowing you to use power to shave costs during peak demand hours (demand shaving) and for you to capture and save excess power generated by solar and CHP/Co-Gen systems. 

Demand shaving is a strategy which uses a specified amount of discharge of previously stored energy from the battery, to reduce peak-rate power you would normally purchase from the power company. Reducing the maximum demands during billing periods lowers the demand charges, which often make up 60 to 70 percent of your monthly energy bill. Across the U.S., demand charges are increasing faster than energy prices as utilities become more reliant on demand charges to help smooth out peak-time customer load curves and recover costs.
Sophisticated battery controllers monitor energy demands and model expected demand requirements. These systems use complex predictive analytics to optimize the amount of energy discharged. Our systems are capable of learning when to expect high facility demands, hold stores in reserve to use at just the right time and limit the highest peaks and ignore lesser peaks, conserving battery energy for strategic deployment.
Building A - Has high energy consumption and reaches the same high level of demand throughout the day and night.
Image of buildings with all lights on
Building B - Only reaches it's highest level of demand in the middle of the day, consuming less energy overall but paying the same peak demand premium as Building A.
Picture of buildings with some lights on
Building B (Energy Storage) - Stores energy in the morning to offset high demands
in the middle of the day, lowering utility peak demand.
Picture of buildings with some lights on

Applications for every industry

Summit Power Systems' plans put you in control of high-yield, reliable onsite energy systems designed for:
  • Commercial industrial office buildings
  • Agricultural operations
  • Healthcare and medical campuses
  • Food processing operation
  • Large retailers and commercial centers
  • Landfills
  • Data and call centers
  • Water treatment plants
  • Government complexes

Verifiable results and accelerated ROI

When you own your own power plant, you are not just off the grid, you are the grid. Tech innovations have put micro energy production within reach and Summit Power Systems portfolio of energy production solutions can offer a return on investment that is nothing less than never having to pay a power bill again.   

Take the power. Control your energy future.

Find out more about Summit Power Systems
energy conservation and production

Take the power