next generation of energy efficiency
Legacy utility system are only 37 percent efficient at converting fuel into electricity. Much of the energy created is lost to heat and transmission loss. Fuel cells, however, operate at efficiencies as high as 90 percent depending on the fuel source.
Average efficiency of electricity production from utility grid system

energy; lose the combustion and emissions
Fuel cells create electricity through an electrochemical process that converts chemical energy from a fuel source into electricity with no combustion involved. Familiar hydrocarbon fuel sources such as natural gas and methanol provide the energy but, because the fuel cell is deployed at the point of use, waste heat is recaptured and can be used for heating and both domestic and process water heating needs.
Amplified efficiency can be achieved using fuel cells

Applications for every industry
Summit Power Systems'Â plans put you in control of high-yield, reliable onsite energy
systems designed for:
industrial office buildings
Healthcare and medical campuses
Food processing operation
Large retailers and commercial centers
Data and call centers
Water treatment plants
Government complexes
results and accelerated ROI
When you own your own power plant, you are not just off the grid, you are the grid. Tech innovations have put micro energy production within reach and Summit Power Systems’ portfolio of solutions can offer a return on investment that is nothing less than never having to pay a power bill again.
Take the
power. Control your energy future.